Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 MPV035D/MPT035D Trunnion Seal Change

Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 MPV035D/MPT035D Trunnion Seal Change
March 9, 2017 Comments Off on Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 MPV035D/MPT035D Trunnion Seal ChangeSundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 MPV035D/MPT035D Trunnion Seal Change
A trunnion seal change has been made to following variable pumps/motor units:
They have elongated the dust lip, allowing more tolerance and leeway when there is an installation. There will not be as many low hour trunnion failures during installation.
The new seal you can interchange with it. They do suggest the old one be replaced when you do service your unit. As of right now the old seal is still available.
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