September 19, 2023Comments Off on Valves, Control Valves & Solenoids
A. – Series E Valve – it has two sizes X4E 1/8″NPT port X7E 1/4″ NPT port. Has single & double solenoid units. Can be mounted on certain manifolds. It comes with poppet/spool makeup. B. -Sensor Proportional Valve – They have put the valve and control electronics as one unit. No need for adjusting this. It has three styles – analog, digital & digital w/memory. Has 0-120 PSI and 1/4″ NPT port. C. -Soft Seal Inline Valve – has 3/4 way valve. Extras you can get are 1/4″ to 1/2″ NPT. It is explosion and dual ignite proof.
D. – Series 90 Solenoid Valve – 2/3 way valves, 1/8″ NPT are mounted or just base mounted. It can work with air, light oil and water. You can have it lubricated or not. Working PSI is 220. Has 2-6 manifolds. E. – Series 8200 Diaphragm Valve – 0 differential to 200 PSI at it’s highest. Has a quick release connection and the port sizes are 1/4 to 1/2″ NPT F. – Double Valve – 1/2″ lnlet and 3/4″ exhaust on it. The electrical connection is released quickly. XSZ -32 has a 1″ inlet and 1 1/2″ exhaust. Can use soft clutch and brake modules. The xsz-16 is put on smaller presses and has a afterlock pressure switch adaptor. G. – Mini Max Solenoid Valves – Has different bases and 1-6 stations on manifolds. Works on a 1 watt. Port sizes are 10-32. Response time is extremely quick. Has a manual override switch. H. – Series 8200 Actuated Diaphragm Valve – Press range 3-230 PSI. You can get seals for almost any fluid. It is pilot operated. Port sizes are 1/2-2″ NPT I. – Poppet Valve 4 way – it is solenoid and air working valve. Has a 4/2 & 3/2 poppet valve.J. – Stainless Steel Solenoid Valve – has viton seals on it. Pressure is 0-580 PSI. 2/2 solenoid valve that can be use on air, water, oil or any other fluids you use. K. – Cryogenic Solenoid Valve – Temps 320 degrees F. -175 degrees F. Can be use with liquid nitrogen. 0 PSI differential
If you need further assistance with these valves or any others, call us at 800-361-0068