John Deere 755B Crawler – Engine Oil

John Deere 755B Crawler – Engine Oil
April 12, 2016 Comments Off on John Deere 755B Crawler – Engine OilAt our Hydrostatic Pump Repair Site, we offer many types of Hydrostatic Transmission Repair and information relating to Hydrostatic Parts
Today we will discuss;
John Deere 755B Crawler – Engine Oil
Based upon the air temperature range between oil changes, use of viscosity that is shown on the chart:
Additives are not needed nor suggested.
Of course, John Deere suggest that you use filter made by them. They are of the highest standards and most reliable.
They also suggest you use Torq-gard Supreme Plus 50 engine oil. It is precisely made to give the most protection against oil thickening, carbon deposits, lacquer & mechanical wear during high temperature procedures.
If you do use another type engine oil, here is their suggestion:
API Service Class CE or CD (1)
Military Spec MIL-L-2104D or MIL-L-2104C
Almost all oil containers or suggested list different API Service Classes (such as SC,SG,CE,CC) met by the oil. For the oil you use , either CE or CD needs to be among the classes listed.
Oils that do have the API Service Classes CE or CD don’t always have the viscosity grades SAE 5W20, SAE 5W30 and Arctic Oils. For these types of viscosity grades only, the next oil procedures can be used, but the oil & filter change intervals need to be reduced to 125 hours.
API Service Class CC (MIL-L-46152B)
Military Spec MIL-L-46167A Arctic Oil)
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