Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 20 Piston Slipper Assy Part 1

Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 20 Piston Slipper Assy Part 1

Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 20 Piston Slipper Assy Part 1

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Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 20 Piston Slipper Assy Part 1

Below describes each picture Fig 1 thru 4

Fig. 1

This slipper is matted to the piston and works by a ball and socket keeping it even with the thrust or swashplate, whatever the slant may be.  It needs to be able to rotate loosely on the piston and bend in all aspects (360 degrees).


Fig. 2

The top of the piston as you can see as many scratches across the face. Most of it caused by pollution with the hydraulic fluid. You can also see staining which means there was water in the fluid or not the right kind of fluid.  Also, if you can feel the scratches with your fingernail, then this part needs to be discared.


Fig. 3

This slipper is clearly damage free, no scratches,discoloration or burrs present. Also, make sure the hole in the middle of the piston face is open so lubrication can pass thru.


Fig. 4

On the face of this slipper you can see nicks. When this occurs you can take a polishing compound and smooth the nick or burr out. At a shop they would put it on a lapping machine. But make sure it is still into spec ranges to be reused. You can take off too much and it would not be able to do it’s job.


If you need further help with this, please let us know.


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